To convert currencies according to the current exchange rate, just type 'amount in currency 1' + in + 'currency 2' into the URL bar.

To get current weather information, type weather + 'city name' into the URL bar

To use the calculator, just type the mathematical equation into the URL bar.

To convert measurement units, type 'unit 1' + in + 'unit 2' in the URL bar.

To search directly on a specific platform, type '#abbreviation' + 'your search query' into the URL bar.

#go ...

Search on Google

#gm ...

Search on Google Maps

#gi ...

Search on Google Images

#wi ...

Search on Wikipedia

#am ...

Search on Amazon

#eb ...

Search on eBay

#bi ...

Search on Bing

#ya ...

Search on Yahoo

#du ...

Search on DuckDuckGo

Temporary disable history based results

In the menu go to “Preferences“ and “Privacy“, remove the check mark at “History“ under „When using the location bar, suggest:“.

Activate Cliqz Tab

The Cliqz Tab offers speed dials for the top visited websites and displays latest news tailored to your location and preferences. Activate it in Cliqz for Firefox in the Control Center (blue circle with black arrow).

Search via Proxy

Our Quick Search does not store any personal data on our servers – it only knows where to return the result for the single instant of an individual search query. Once it has delivered the requested results, the IP address is deleted immediately – it’s only present in volatile memory for a short period of time and never permanently stored on our servers. If you want to fully conceal your IP address, however, you have the option of running all your search queries through a network of proxy servers. You can activate this function in the Control Center (blue circle with black arrow) by clicking “Search Options” and setting the switch next to “Search via proxy” to “Enabled”.


Did you know you can set a master password right inside your browser? Go to the menu to „Preferences“ and „Security“ and activate the option “use master-password”

Context menu in search

Right-click on results in the dropdown to open a helpful context menu. You can e.g. quickly open a search result in a new tab or delete an entry from your history.

Search results for different countries

At the moment, you can select search results from three countries: Germany, France and the US. To change your selection, go to the Control Center (blue circle with black arrow), got o “Search Options”. Next to “Search results for” you can change your preferred search index. We’re planning to add more countries in the future.