Smart Search

Smart Cliqz offers you quick answers to everyday questions without detours. Whether you are looking for current weather information, the status of a flight or exchange rates, the results will be displayed directly in the browser.


Note: we are currently implementing [word+letter] query pattern.

Flight Status

Note: we are currently implementing [word+letter] query pattern.


Note: we are currently implementing [word+letter] query pattern.


Note: we are currently implementing [word+letter] query pattern.


Note: we are currently implementing [word+letter] query pattern.

Currency Converter

Note: we are currently implementing [word+letter] query pattern.

Unit Converter

Note: we are currently implementing [word+letter] query pattern.


Note: we are currently implementing [word+letter] query pattern.

Lokale Ergebnisse

Note: we are currently implementing [word+letter] query pattern.


Note: we are currently implementing [word+letter] query pattern.


To search directly on a specific platform, type ‘#abbreviation’ + ‘your search query’ into the URL bar.

#go ...

Search on Google

#gm ...

Search on Google Maps

#wi ...

Search on Wikipedia

#am ...

Search on Amazon

#eb ...

Search on Ebay

#bi ...

Search on Bing

#ya ...

Search on Yahoo

#du ...

Search on DuckDuckGo

Search Tips

Temporary disable history based results

In the menu go to “Preferences“ and “Privacy“, remove the check mark at “History“ under „When using the location bar, suggest:“.

Search results for different countries

At the moment, you can select search results from three countries: Germany, France and the US. To change your selection, go to the Control Center and click on “Search Options”. You can change your preferred search index under “Search results for”. We’re planning to add more countries in the future.

Search via Proxy

Our Quick Search does not store any personal data on our servers – it only knows where to return the result for the single instant of an individual search query. Once it has delivered the requested results, the IP address is deleted immediately – it’s only present in volatile memory for a short period of time and never permanently stored on our servers. If you want to fully conceal your IP address, however, you have the option of running all your search queries through a network of proxy servers. You can activate this function in the Control Center (the Q symbol) by clicking “Search Options” and setting the switch next to “Search via proxy” to “Enabled”.

Fast search out of a text

On any website, highlight text, right-click and choose “Search Cliqz for [the text]”. This will instantly open the search results for the highlighted term in a new tab.

Context menu in search

Right-click on results in the dropdown to open a helpful context menu. You can e.g. quickly open a search result in a new tab or delete an entry from your history.

Browser Features

Automatic Forget Tabs

Cliqz also provides a unique additional function: while you are browsing in normal mode and want to open a website with explicit (adult) content, the browser will automatically switch the tab for this website to Forget Mode.

Master Password

Did you know you can set a master password right inside your browser? Go to the menu to „Preferences“ and „Security“ and activate the option “use master password”


Makes sure you visit websites with encrypted connections as often as possible. Activate in the control center under “Prefer HTTPS”.

YouTube Video Downloader (desktop only)

To download videos (or their audio track) from YouTube with our integrated Video Downloader, you simply need to go to YouTube and open a video. This will make the download icon appear next to the Control Center (the Q symbol) in the upper right corner. Once you click the icon, a dropdown menu will open – here, you can select the desired format and resolution. You’ll be able to find the video in your download folder.


The desktop version of Cliqz supports integrating LastPass, a third-party password management software. It enables you to sync your credentials across all your devices for free. Please keep in mind, however, that Cliqz has no control over which data is accessed by LastPass. To install it, click the menu (the three vertical lines to the upper right), select “Settings” and “Security”; now, you’ll just need to look for “Password Manager” and press the “Install” button in the LastPass field.

Taking Screenshots without using Add-ons

Press SHIFT+CTRL+K in the browser to open the developer console. Type in :screenshot and press Enter to automatically save a screenshot of the current view in your download folder. By typing in :screenshot --fullpage (a space after “:screenshot” and two dashes), you can even save a screenshot of the entire page, not just the currently visible area.


To install Ghostery in the Cliqz browser, click the menu (the three vertical lines to the upper right), select “Settings” and “Security”. Now you just need to scroll down a bit and look for “Extended Privacy Control” – that’s where you’ll find the option to activate Ghostery. Once activated, you can choose which trackers to block in the Ghostery menu. To find out more about the differences between the approach to anti-tracking taken by Ghostery and Cliqz and other things to keep in mind, please feel free to read this article: