Tech @ Cliqz: The World Needs More Search Engines

In our new tech blog "Tech @ Cliqz", we give insights on how to build a competitive and independent search engine from the ground up with privacy by design.

Marc Al-HamesManaging Director

There are only very few truly independent search engines in the world. Google, Bing, Yandex, and Baidu are the best known ones. Most other players only white label results from those four and are dependent on them and their business model. Or they are so localized and small that they do not offer a credible alternative. Nevertheless, we at Cliqz are also trying to build one: over the last five years, with around 100 people, we have been building our own search engine from scratch. We started with our quick-search feature within the Cliqz Browser and now are working on a traditional search engine approach with a results page. It’s still work in progress but you can already try it at We welcome your feedback!

Cliqz Search is completely independent, it does not use anyone’s technology nor anyone’s business model. It’s built end-to-end from collecting, crawling, and analyzing data up to actually showing results all this with privacy by design. We’re quite proud of it. And each day until this Christmas, we will explain one core piece in our brand new tech blog “Tech @ Cliqz“.

In the first article we give an answer to a more fundamental question: Why the world needs more search engines like Cliqz?

Read the full story here