Cliqz Browser Release Notes 1.15.1 (55.0.3+1.20.0)

With this minor update to version 1.15.1 we are releasing a list of small fixes. In addition, multiple fixes and improvements are brought to you with version 1.20.0 of the extended component that contains proprietary Cliqz features like its search, security settings and Cliqz Tab.

What is new?

News Injection in Soccer. From now on, the latest and hottest news about your favorite football team is displayed directly in the dropdown when the name of the team is entered into the URL bar.

Flight Smart Cliqz. We made it a little easier to check the up-to-date extended flight status information. From now on, a quick summary of flights and airlines is displayed right in the dropdown when searched for a flight.

What is better?

Calculator Smart Cliqz. Calculator Smart Cliqz provides an instant result of the mathematical equation entered into the URL bar. The possibility to copy the result to the clipboard is added with the current release.

Currency Smart Cliqz. To convert currencies according to the current exchange rate, ‘amount in currency 1’ + ‘in’ + ‘currency 2’ has to be typed into the URL bar. The possibility to copy the converted result to the clipboard is added with the current release.

What is fixed?

Bookmarks Import from Firefox. Import of bookmarks from Firefox into the Cliqz browser was broken for a short time. With this update the import functionality should work as expected.

History Interface Issues. Our History interface (accessible from Cliqz Tab) has been fixed and improved. For example, if a user typed a query and selected the result which was opened in the automatic forget mode, the query was shown in the History view. This, and other minor issues were resolved.

Custom Start Page resets to Cliqz Tab. An issue where users set a custom start page that got reset and overridden by the default Cliqz Tab (about:cliqz) frequently has been fixed. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Favorites and Most Visited Icons on the Cliqz Tab are grey while first Cliqz Tab opening. We received feedback about Favorites and Most Visited web sites icons on the Cliqz Tab becoming grey when starting the browser. This issue has been resolved; enjoy the colorful icons again!

We hope you enjoy browsing with Cliqz. Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback.